“Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”

~ Dr. Haim Ginott

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Breastfeeding is a very pasionate subject for me. I have two children and I am expecting now. With my previous two children I did not breastfeed. My oldest child turned out just fine, but my daughter has quite a few medical issues. She has eczema, asthma, allergies and etc. My doctor once indicated to me that if I had breastfed she wouldn't have these illnesses. Well this time I am breastfeeding. From my understanding this is the healthiest thing you can do for a child. The milk that the body produces is the most nutritional, and it's exactly what a child needs. The question at hand is how long should a child be breastfed?

I looked into breastfeeding in China and discovered it was slim to none. Approximately only 20% of mothers in China breastfeed (Xinhua, 2009). These rates are very far behind World Health Organization targets, that suggest infants six months are younger should be breastfed. A study of 2,160 Chineese infants, between 1998 and 2004, showed that breastfeeding could help develop of the neural system and dramatically lower the rate of eczema(Xinhua, 2009). In the United States 75% of women breastfeed. This number superceeds the number in China. Breastfeeding is very popular in the U.S. and very promoted.

When I open my childcare facility I plan to promote breastfeeding as well. I want children to be as healthy as possible, and I dont want anything to get in the way of thier development.

Xinhua, Y. (2009). China Lagging Behind Breastfeeding Targets. Retrieved from http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2009


  1. Katrina,

    I must commend you for wanting to breastfeed. I try to with my second child but it hurt alot and I became very ill shortly after. My stepdaughter breast fed her child for over 8 months and it helped with all of her medical issues of severe eczema. I know form resources breastfeeding the first 6 weeks is the best but I say go until you don't feel comfortable doing it anymore. The benefits of breastfeeding outweigh ignorant peopl's perceptions and who is really important your child. Good Luck and congrats!

  2. Hi Katrina,

    I am an advocate for breast feeding as well, due to the health benefits for the child.

    In the Netherlands, 81% of babies were exclusively breast fed at birth, and 19% were still breast fed at six months. This country has five breast feeding organizations that support and promote breastfeeding. A working mother can also have 25% of her time at work to breast feed or express milk (paid time). As well, advertising for infant formula for infants under the age of six months is forbidden,

    These are many examples of the way legislation can support breast feeding.



  3. Way to go Katrina! Congrats on your pregnancy. This is the best decision since there are benefits for both you and your child and just think of how much mney you will be saving from not having to buy formula, feeding bottles etc. I still have allergies even though I was breast fed, but I'm sure there are a lot worst illness and deficiencies that I was protected from.

  4. Katrina,

    Congrats on your upcoming baby!! If agree that breastfeeding is vry important. Owning my own childcare center, I have had moms that breastfeed and bottle. Although breastfeeding is best for the baby I can tell you from experience that if there is a mother breastfeeding in the center, I get complaints about how uncomfortable other parents feel. I think we still need more education on the issue and help people deal with the feeling that breastfeeding should only occur at home. I think it is the most natural thing that can happen between a mother and child.

  5. Dear Katrina,

    It is sad to know that only about 20% of mothers in China breastfeed, which is far behind World Health Organization targets. Based on the report from Yu Fei and Wang Jinyuan who are writers for Xinhua, in China's Zhejiang Province where I am from, "the rate of truly exclusive breastfeeding for six months was extremely low. The highest rate in rural infants was only 7 percent, whereas the rate in urban infants was below 1 percent." Please pray for the government will put it on the table to improve the situation.

    Yu Fei and Wang Jinyuan, Breastfeeding faces challenges in China, Retrieved from
