“Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”

~ Dr. Haim Ginott

Thursday, June 7, 2012

"My Supports"

To me support means to have my back 100%. To encourage me to do whatever I need to do to complete whatever the task is at hand. The support I get from my family is very strong. Just like everybody else I make bad decisions, but they support me so much they look over that and encourage me to go on. I have great support at my job. Just recently we started a new evaluation to open the communication between us and our supervisors and its great. We are to write out short term and long term goals and they are to support us and make sure we follow through with them. I love it! My husband and children are a wonderful support. Now that I am in my third trimester my son really goes that extra mile. He coks, cleans, and just really supports me, and Im so proud. My husband does as much as he can, but my son is just awesome. My daughter can't do much, but she takes good care of me also. It would be very challenging if I didnt have these different support systems. Each one represents a different part in my life, but are still very vital. If I didn'thave them in my life, I would still function, I just don't know how long it would take to fulfil the different tasks. I appreciate each support system and I am glas they have my best interest at heart.


  1. Katrina,
    I am sure your support system had a great influence from a very special lady. Congrats on the upcoming bundle!! I am sure your support will grow as a new addition arrives into the family. I beleive what you are experincing now is an upcoming view of all the wonderful help you will recieve in the future :) Many blessing and may you have a healthy and strong son or daughter without any complications. Be blessed!

  2. Hi Katrina, My family and friends are my biggest supporters as well. It is good to have all the support from your family especially when you are in your third trimester. When is your due date? I wish you the best of luck with your delivery and new little one.

  3. I like that you mention having different supports in different parts of your life. It makes so much sense to me. I know i would have trouble having one support. Not to mention the pressure that person would feel. Thanks for the post. _koni
